Don’t give up on running. Running is about patience. I’ve been running races every year, except 2009, since 1989. I started with 5Ks, 10Ks, HMs, and marathons. I was a midpack runner. I don’t have speed but I have endurance. So I started running 50 mile ultras. Then I progressed to hundred milers & timed races & multi-day races. I’m 64 years young and running my 34th ultramarathon on Mother’s Day weekend - a 24-hr track ultra. I have placed 2nd & 3rd overall & in my age group in some of these ultras. I have never compared myself to other runners but I’m inspired by them. I get a chuckle when I outrun runners half my age or younger & podium & I am inspired by younger runners who cross the finish before me. We all run our best & have fun doing it. We support each other. The young ones don’t believe my age. Having fun & not taking myself too seriously is the key to my longevity as a lifelong runner. I never have a bad race; I learn with every race. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, have fun, and keep smiling.