12 Steps to Getting Your Book Published

Awesome advice from an author, editor, and literary agent.

Miriam Diaz-Gilbert


Photo by César Viteri on Unsplash

Writing and Selling Your Words

According to Statista, in 2018 there were 45,200 working writers and authors in the US. Only 21 percent of full-time published writers earned a hundred percent of their income from their book sales.

Some writers are first time writers. Others are published authors.

Writing and selling your words and publishers paying for them is a business.

Whether you’re a new writer or a seasoned writer, it’s always a good idea to keep current and learn about the publishing world and the business of writing.

Many of us devour everything we read about how to write, be a better writer, get published, and turn our words and work into money.

Attending writing workshops and conferences is another way to learn more. Attending a free talk hosted by a local writers’ group is even better.

In this piece, I share 12 steps to getting published that I learned from an expert in the writing and publishing industry during a talk hosted by the writers’ group I belong to.

Awesome Advice from A Literary Agent



Miriam Diaz-Gilbert

My debut memoir Come What May, I Want to Run: A Memoir of the Saving Grace of Ultrarunning in Overwhelming Times is published. Website: miriamdiazgilbert.com